Wishgranters Selin and Michel with President and CEO Phil Lussier

The Ultimate Wishgranting Duo - Michael and Selin

Wishgranters Selin and Michael

We're recognizing the power of a special couple in our Make-A-Wish family who demonstrate that a great team can make anything possible. 

Selin Terzi is a Vice President within Prime Brokerage at Morgan Stanley, and Michael Mouro is a Senior Vice President and Wealth Management Advisor at Merrill Lynch. And even with their busy professional careers, they still make time to make wishes come true together.  

They are both essential members of our chapter’s Junior Board, participating in important fundraising events, actively recruiting new supporters, and working with their employer’s gift matching program to maximize their fundraising efforts and impact. “Time is the most valuable thing in our line of work so to give these kids our time is a reward and honor for us,” said Michael. 

But perhaps the most important work Selin and Michael do for Make-A-Wish is in their roles as wish-granting volunteers, which they have done since 2019. 

“Working as a team on wishes has been an amazing experience,” said Michael. “We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and can rely on each other so well.” Being a couple, granting wishes together works perfectly. “We’re able to be a part of more wishes because our schedules are already in sync so we can really optimize on our shared free time,” Selin said.  

Michael and Selin will be tying the knot in the summer of 2024 and will be including Make-A-Wish in their celebration. Instead of wedding favors, they will be donating to Make-A-Wish Metro New York and Western New York on behalf of their wedding guests. 

“We choose to be a part of each child’s wish journey - the kids do not. They didn’t have a say in their critical illness, so we choose to do as much as we can for them,” said Michael. 

As they grow in their lives together, they hope to pass the trait of giving back and providing for others to their family. “We have met so many amazing families - kids and parents who have so much strength, bravery and kindness in them.”